Working with wood and horn Voir la version PDF

Madagascar is rich in wood essences, which allows artisans to produce marquetry objects or high quality sculptures. Horn is worked upon for the making of various objects.

Working with wood

Tables en marqueterie
Précision des dessins et multiplicité des couleurs.

Rosewood, ebony… all these essences allow for the creation of real works of art of rigorous precision.

The making of lids for jewel boxes is very impressive.

Working with a table saw, the artisans also make jewel boxes, tables, decorative objects, etc

Malagasy artisans also developed a remarkable way of working with rough wood, creating furniture, decorative objects, wooden vehicles, etc


Vente d’objets en corne
Marché d’Antananarivo

Zebu horn is worked upon and sculpted to make jewel, cutlery, and cups. These objects can then be tinted and given different colours, especially rings.

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Objets et sculpture en bois - Marché du Coum Sculpture en bois - Sculpture directe dans le bois massif Sculptures et meubles en bois - Marché du Coum Vente de voitures en bois - Marché du Coum Zébu - Aide precieuse , dans le travail de la terre.
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