Hautex exports internationally Voir la version PDF

Competitive distribution circuit.

Why ?

We bring back 40 foot-containers. This allows us to charge very competitive prices.

We do not use intermediaries, and we manage everything ourselves, from the point when the containers leave Tana, Madagascar, to when they arrive in France.

In those conditions, our prices are competitive even to export.

Our clientele is in France and in a few European countries such as Greece, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Germany, and Austria. We also have clients in the United States.

Our containers have over 70 cubic meters capacity. They are unloaded at Le Havre and are then taken to Excideuil by road.

Chargement du container
Le container attend le chargement des « gounes » de paniers et autres marchandises
Arrivage de Pierres - Livraison d'un superbe bloc d'Amethyste Dépot Excideuil - Stokage de paniers et de tout l'artisanat de madagascar Triage des paniers. - Arrivée des artisans avec leur production de paniers
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